Just what is Intelligent Explorer? For your safety, you really need to know

I recently hit the Explorer upgrade option by accident. It turned out to be a pop-up that seemed legitimate, but wasn't. It uploaded my machine with a product called Intelligent Explorer. What a horror! What a nightmare!

I researched the web and got such statements from a BullGuard Antivirus Forum,

"PLEASE AID!!! I've got a spyware, trijan and children on my company. I have a spyware. BULLGUARD I have RUN, CWSHREDDER and AD-AWARE. All the people have picked up the turkeys and said that they were moved/removed however when I log in the interior of the toolbar is exploring."

Something like this is another message from the Spywareinfo Forum:

"Hey, I'm having problems with something called the Internet Explorer toolbar. I can't find a way to get it off my computer and I don't really want to reinstall windows. I used spybot, ad-ware and cw shredder, but it seems nothing works."

Intelligent Explorer looks to be able to download other applications to your computer and this is where the trouble is. Even more amazing is that their licensing allows them to install software add-ins on the computer at their own discretion by installing Intelligent Explorer. See what the Intelligent Explore software license states (go to http://www.ieplugin.com/terms.html to read it all):

"You allow us the right to supply you with the Download Service and make advertising content displayed on your computer, through "pop-up" or other display while you are using your browser, until you uninstall the Software or have this Agreement otherwise terminated. You agree and accept that the software installation can automatically adjust toolbars and other browser settings. You agree to such modifications by installing the Software."

The corporation, founded by IBC, is established in Belize. I can't truly believe this license!

One end-user found exceedingly offensive pop-up ads generated by this program in the form of severe pornography packaged with Intelligent Explorer.

I've still got to break this.

Intelligent Explorer is a plug-in that may build a new home page and launch and unlimited pop-ups. You can remove the view bar, but Internet Explorer will restart it. I requested some pals to help, and nobody could explain me what they were supposed to do.

That's what I have done:

I purchased a copy of the XoftSpy application and deleted the malware. Two scans and a reboot were necessary. This is not a product advertising. They announced that it was free to run, but then I had to buy it to solve anything. It cost me $40, and I'm sure there're freeware products, but that's what stopped my nightmare. Spybot, NoAdware, Spyware Eliminator, Pal Spyware Remover and Spyware C.O.P. are also products I saw.

Let the buyer watch out!

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